The most important activities of the traditional industry in the wilaya of Batna
1- Manufacture of traditional jewelry
And the traditional Eurasian types of jewelry: earrings, branches, necklaces, bracelets, and leg rings.
And the most important center for the manufacture of traditional jewelry is the region of Wad Al Taga, which is considered one of the poles of this activity.
And the most important center for the manufacture of traditional jewelry is the region of Wad Al Taga, which is considered one of the poles of this activity.

2- The traditional dress
The Shawi dress is the first traditional dress that distinguishes the Eurasian woman, and what makes this dress more luxurious is the silver Shawi jewelry.

3- Textile industry
like the making of Al-Barnos, Al-Zarabi, Al-Hanbal, Al-Qashabiya, but it is practiced in most cases for private use.

4- Pottery industry
Reflects Berber heritage and is dominated by the character of domestic use, such as plates, tagines, vases and pots, and is characterized by most areas of the state.

5- Embroidery on fabric
This activity was and still is a space for creativity.